Fashion Accessories

How to Use Lego Cheat Code

How do you use the Lego cheat code

There are hidden secrets within LEGO games that can make them more enjoyable. There are numerous ways to spice up your experience including stud multipliers to fun game modifiers such as Force Ghost Yoda.

While cheat codes have become less common in games, Lego games are keeping the tradition alive by offering numerous secret codes that unlock various items to give players a greater variety of choices when playing. The 2022 version isn’t different. This article will go over all the codes that can be used in order to unlock characters, ships, and stud multipliers.

The LEGO Star Wars series cheat codes operate differently from other games. They can be activated via an option menu that isn’t immediately communicated to the players. Instead of opening the Holoprojector menu or pause the game to enter a code players can go to the Extras tab by selecting the ‘Enter Code” option.

The menu will display a digital keyboard where the player can type the cheat code. After entering the code, the player will receive an alert that the cheat has been successfully added to the game and that the new item or change will be activated once the player reopens the Extras tab.

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