Fashion Accessories

Audit Trails and Document Tracking

A thorough document history can be crucial for compliance with regulatory requirements, internal accountability or both. Without an accurate audit trail it’s difficult to demonstrate that you are adhering to the necessary protocols and avoiding regulatory fines or even lawsuits.

Implementing an audit trail becomes easier if you use a system that records and stores all of your documents. Paper documents are susceptible to human error, is difficult to keep properly and is often lost or misplaced. The best way to prevent losing important documents is to scan and digitally store documents, but this requires a secure record storage system that allows easy access for anyone. A document tracking system that has customizable permissions will ensure that everyone in the team has access to important documents.

A good document tracking program will automatically record any modifications to files that include the date and audit trails and document tracking the person who made the changes. This is crucial to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and that your company is following strict rules, particularly in highly sensitive fields like healthcare or finance.

Additionally, a thorough audit trail can be helpful in the event of a dispute or technical issue in the case of an electronic document. By providing a plan of actions an audit trail will assist you in determining who might be responsible for the problem and help you quickly resolve it. This information can also be used as an argument in court should an issue of law arises.

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